Waterford Estate


Website: Waterford Estate

Email Address: info@waterfordestate.co.za

Client Experience: 4 Star $$$$

Represented by: Not Applicable

Commissionable: No. Recommend as client experience. If FIT include in travel design and charge a markup or reservation fee.

Payment Options: Credit Card

Audience: B2C

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Note: Wine & Chocolate Tasting + Tour of the farm & meal options. Waterford also offers a trail walk / hike. Based in Stellenbosch.

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Website: Waterford Estate

Email Address: info@waterfordestate.co.za

Client Experience: 4 Star $$$$

Represented by: Not Applicable

Commissionable: No. Recommend as client experience. If FIT include in travel design and charge a markup or reservation fee.

Payment Options: Credit Card

Audience: B2C

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Note: Wine & Chocolate Tasting + Tour of the farm & meal options. Waterford also offers a trail walk / hike. Based in Stellenbosch.

Website: Waterford Estate

Email Address: info@waterfordestate.co.za

Client Experience: 4 Star $$$$

Represented by: Not Applicable

Commissionable: No. Recommend as client experience. If FIT include in travel design and charge a markup or reservation fee.

Payment Options: Credit Card

Audience: B2C

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Note: Wine & Chocolate Tasting + Tour of the farm & meal options. Waterford also offers a trail walk / hike. Based in Stellenbosch.